Marvel Champions announces the Sinister Motives expansion, Vision Hero Pack

Fantasy Flight Games has announced the next big expansion Marvel Champions: The game cartas. During the annual flight of Fantasy Flight Games, the studio director FFG, Chris Gerber, announced the launch game studio Sinister Motives a new expansion campaign to Marvel Champions: The carta Juego . This new expansion will not add only members of Sinister Six as Electro and Kraven the Hunter to play, but also bring Miles Morales and Ghost Spider as playable heroes. Cover shown during the presentation, seems to be the main villain Venom. Other villains shown on the cover include Mysterio, Doctor Octopus and Sandman.

In Marvel Champions: The game cartas , 1 to 4 players join forces to fight on a stage focused on a single villain. These meetings include separate scenarios and scenarios that are part of a campaign running. Players can use a prebuilt deck or build your own by choosing a hero and letters from a look and several basic cards.

Sinister Expansions is the fourth full expansion comes out, after expansion Rise of the Red Skull (which focused on Hawkeye and Black Widow fighting Hydra), Galaxy's Most Wanted (which focused on Rocket and Groot facing a variety of subjects cosmic villains like Ronan and Collector), and expansion newest Mad Titan's Shadow, featuring Thanos and the Black Order.

In addition, Fantasy Flight Games also announced that Vision will be added to the game as a playable hero through a package of hero, a full deck of cards that can be used instantly at any stage from the start. Gerber noted that Vision skills would focus on the ability to manipulate him at will the mass of it. The Vision Hero Pack will be released after the previous War Machine and Valkyrie Hero Packs, but before the expansion Sinister Motives above.

Expect to get a deeper breakdown of Sinister Motives and Vision Hero Pack in the coming months. Marvel Champions: The cartas game content is already available in hobby shops.


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