Mobile phone espionage by app? Olympia

According to the official news agency Xingu from Tuesday, a spokesman was assured of Tuesday, the organizers kept strictly to the laws on the protection of personal information.

The My2022 app to be installed for the games serves the preventive infectious protection during the Corona pandemic, but not only collect health data, but also provide information services, said the speaker. The English-speaking newspaper Global Times supplemented platforms such as Google, Apple and Samsung checked the program. All personal information is encrypted.

For fear of espionage, some countries, including Germany, provide their athlete, according to press reports of sensitive data freed, mobile phones available on which My2022 can be installed. There are also warnings that Chinese intelligence services could not only read from mobile phones, but also of tablets and laptops.

Privacy As before the summer games in 2008 in Beijing, this time was also ruling loud that Chinese meat products could contain forbidden substances that could become a problem with doping samples. The spokesman for the organizers assured that food security is great meaning.

The supervision begins with the breeding, pursue the whole process and also spread on inserted food and medication to ensure the absolute safety of food for the athletes, stressed the speaker. The Global Times, which approaches the Communist party organ Volkszeitung, did the suspicions as a media frosting.


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